Executive Director Update: We Heard You…

Dear JA / Summit families and staff,

Welcome to the new look and feel of our quarterly newsletter. In response to our parent and staff surveys, we have redesigned this central tool to provide concise and clear information about our programs and future plans. Because JA and Summit communicate in a variety of different ways, surveys showed that parents sometimes did not feel informed or lacked understanding of various parts of our programs. We are excited to introduce this new layout and hope that you will find it informative, easy to read, and helpful.

The “Did You Know…” section will provide insights on programs, while the “Behind the Scenes…” section will give you a look at future planning and what may be in process. We will continue with our Campus Highlights and feature exciting news from our Support Organizations and greater Community Outreach

JA, one of the first charter schools in Colorado, has developed a unique ability to design highly successful programs that reach students and families with diverse educational outlooks. By providing information here about our 5 current campuses/programs, soon to be 6, we hope you will develop a deeper understanding of how the organization as a whole is helping all students. JA uses a broad spectrum of educational models while maintaining the essence of our Mission, Vision and Core Values within each model. 

Recently, you received an email with the “Call to Action” about a new bill at the state Legislature that could cripple charter schools in Colorado.  This article from The Fordham Institute will give you more insights into the challenges with this bill. Joining the Colorado League of Charter School’s “Act for Charters Today Network” is a great way to stay current on charter school issues. 

Thank you for being a great part of the JA/Summit community. Thank you also for your feedback in our Board Surveys, and I hope you find this new format informative and helpful.

Warmest Regards,

Tim Matlick

Executive Director


Did You Know?


JA Alumni