Health Room

Amber Wood

Amber Wood


Danielle Harding

Danielle Harding

Health Aide

The school office has a health room. Parents should bring special health problems to the attention of the teacher, the health aid/nurse, and office personnel. The purpose of the health room is to provide first aid and to screen students complaining of an illness. It is imperative that someone be available and prepared to pick up their student in the event of illness or accident. A sick student must be picked up within 30 minutes of the school contacting the parent or designated adult. The school does not have facilities to keep students who are contagious or so ill that they need to be home. Our health aide, Email Danielle Harding, is in Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Our school nurse, Email Amber Wood oversees our program.

If your child shows sign of illness at home, please take the time to assess their situation. Any child with a temperature of 100 degrees or above should be kept home. For further information on whether or not to keep your child home, please refer to the document below 'How Sick is Too Sick.'

Head Lice - There is a home treatment option below that has been recognized by Kaiser.


All medications, including over-the-counter medication (cough drops, cold medicine, etc.), must be checked into the office by the parent, still in the original container that it was purchased in and a Jefferson County Medical form completed by the parent and physician. These forms are available in the office or you may download a copy by going to the School Document link on this website or downloading the attachment from below.

Jefferson Academy is a no-Tylenol school. We do not have Tylenol on-hand to dispense and we are not allowed to dispense Tylenol without a medication form. If your child should need Tylenol for a time frame due to an injury, illness, etc., please bring in the medication in its original container and medication form to the office, which must also be signed by a physician. 

NEW: Non-Medical Exemption Process for Immunizations

There has been a change to the NON-Medical exemption process for school required immunizations in the State of Colorado SB 20-163. Many pediatricians have notified their families over the summer to reflect the changes and schools need to notify families as well. The process under the new state law states that parents who wish to have NON-Medical exemptions for their children MUST complete 1 of the 2
following requirements:

a. Provide a 
signed certificate of NON-Medical exemption from their medical provider (physician)
to the school or,

b. Provide a certificate of online education module on vaccination produced by Colorado Department
of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) 
Online Immunization Education Module to the school.

Please remember according to Colorado Law, (
BOH Rule 6 CCR 1009-2), all students attending
Colorado schools are 
required to be vaccinated against certain diseases, unless an exemption is filed
with the State of Colorado and with the school. Once the proper notification has been completed by
school nurses, failure of parents/legal guardians to provide their child's proof of current immunization,
or proof of in-process immunizations, or proof of exemptions “shall be denied attendance at school.”