school bulletin

School News

Friday, December 20 - This is an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will not be served. Classrooms will be having their holiday parties on this day. Due to capacity levels, the only visitors that will be allowed to attend are those that have been assigned to be a volunteer by the classroom teacher/EA. Volunteers must refrain from bringing younger siblings.  

Lost & Found - There is an abundance of jackets, winter coats, water bottles, etc. in the lost & found. ALL unclaimed items will be donated during the holiday break. 

JA purchasing the adjacent church -  We are pleased to announce that we have come to an agreement in principle to purchase the church property next door.  While this was a lengthy process, it has been a good one due to the fact we have a great relationship with the folks at the church.  We are planning our next steps which will go in phases.  Phase 1 will include surveying and testing the land, state and local code approvals (for example updating any systems that don’t meet codes).  If you have any questions, please direct those to Mr. Feddema.  This property is not available for any tours at this time.

Summer JagCare - Registration for Summer JagCare will begin January 3, 2025. An email will be sent out to families on January 3 to sign up. More information may be found on our website (link).

PTO - The JA PTO would like to send out a HUGE Thank You to all the families who donated items for this week's Winter Wonderland Staff Treats! Your donations helped to ring in the holiday season right for our teachers and staff!

Dear JA Elementary Community,

As we approach the winter break, we want to take a moment to wish everyone a joyful and restful time away from school. This is a wonderful opportunity to relax, spend time with loved ones, and recharge our spirits.

We encourage all families and students to enjoy this time together, creating lasting memories and embracing the joys of the season. As we prepare for the upcoming second semester, let's return with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to JA. We look forward to an exciting second semester filled with learning and growth.

Warm regards,
Brendon Feddema, Principal


Holiday Break - December 21 - January 6, 2025.  

Students return on Tuesday, January 7.