School News
Jeffco Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year is open. It’s helpful to let us know if you’re coming back next year, so that we can prepare for next year’s enrollment, classes and resources. So, if you have not completed this task, please do so as soon as possible. This is also the time to submit an application for students that would be new to JA (Round 1 closes on January 17th). Visit to learn more.
Summer JagCare - Registration for our summer program was sent out on January 3rd. If you have not signed up yet, here is the link Summer JagCare link. For those that have signed up, you will receive an email by Monday confirming your registration and the next steps.
JagCare (before/after school) for the 2025-2026 school year. Students enrolled at JA in grades Kindergarten - 6th grade are eligible to apply. Students that are currently enrolled in JagCare are given priority for next year. Please refer to the priority list in the application. Forms must be submitted by March 14, 2025 by 3:30 p.m. (link). A lottery will be held and families will be contacted beginning in April. Late submissions will be placed on a waiting list.
Neighborhood - We have worked very hard to be good neighbors. Please slow down when driving through the neighborhood. Allow extra time during inclement weather. We hold attendance when we have inclement weather or when there are traffic issues. Our priority is the safety of families.
Spelling Bee Club - Reminder - Thursday, January 16 is the last day for this club.
Continuation Pictures - Students in Kindergarten and 6th grade will have their continuation pictures taken on Thursday, January 23. Kindergarten students will wear a cap and gown (provided). 6th grade students are encouraged to personalize their picture with appropriate props ((jersey, sports equipment, music instrument, etc.). Families will be given a free picture distributed at the end of the school year. Proofs will be sent home a few weeks later so that families may order additional pictures online. There is no makeup day.
Fundraising for Non-School Activities - Reminder - Students may not bring items for sale to school or solicit staff members, though they may be associated with a good cause. Students should take care of non-school fundraising on their own time and not on campus.
CMAS (Colorado Measure of Academic Success) - Students in 3rd- 6th grade take these tests every year. The timeframe for testing this year is April 7th - 24th. Please refrain from taking students out during testing.
PTO News
January Community Social Dine Out - Monday, January 13, JAPTO will host the first Community Social Dine Out of 2025 at Rush Bowls, Arvada. (8031 Wadsworth Blvd - Unit A5). The event runs all day and 25% of sales mentioning Jefferson Academy PTO will be donated to our PTO.
Interested in Serving PTO? Informational / Q & A Sessions Scheduled - Have you wanted to do more for your child's school? Here's your chance - PTO is seeking volunteers to serve in Board and Committee Lead positions for the 2025-26 School Year. We know you likely have questions, or just want more information. We'd love to share! On Tuesday, January 28 at 6:30 p.m. or Wednesday, January 29 at 8:15 a.m., the JA PTO will hold informational sessions to share the details of serving our school through the PTO. For decades, researchers have pointed to one key student success factor that transcends nearly all others, such as socioeconomic status, student background or the kind of school a student attends: parental involvement. JA PTO is your vehicle to parental involvement at Jefferson Academy Elementary!
Fine Art Portrait Sessions - Class of 2032 Outdoor Lab Fundraiser - The new year is the perfect time to capture new photos. Now's the time to update your professional or family photos, and you can support our 5th graders in the process! Trang T. Photography is offering a $250 session fee (regular price: $890) for stunning fine art studio portraits. Best of all, 100% of the session fee goes directly to support our 5th Grade Outdoor Lab fundraising. These sessions are ideal for family portraits, headshots, dancer, maternity, senior, or Mommy & Me portraits! Only 2 sessions remain - don't delay! Visit Trang T. Photography's website to learn more and purchase your session.
Coming up:
Friday, February 21 - Family Movie Night & WatchJAGS Second Semester Kick-Off Pizza Party - More details for this combined event coming soon!
Friday, April 11 - Timehop - Spring All-School Social Event - Mark your Calendar and Save the Date for a fun night with your JA friends!
Monday, January 20 - No school - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 21 - Board meeting at 6:00 p.m.
February 18-28th - JA family survey