Jefferson Academy Elementary

School News

Enrollment for 2025-2026 School Year - If you know that your student will not be returning to Jefferson Academy next year, please contact Shelly Cohen at 720-728-6162. Open enrollment begins next week and we would like to accommodate students on our waiting list. 

Cell phones - We have noticed an increase with drivers on their cell phones during dropoff and afternoon pick up. This is having an impact on traffic. Please stay off your phones during these times. Thanks for your cooperation. 

1st Grade Music Performance  - Tuesday, February 11 at 6:30 pm in the Intermediate Gym.  Please have your student wear a nice outfit- preferably no sweats.  Students should be in their classrooms by 6:15.  If you have a special need due to a disability, plan to attend this event, and wish to request accommodations in order to participate, contact Shelly Cohen, 720-728-6162.  Please call in advance so that appropriate arrangements for reasonable accommodations may be made.  

English Language Curriculum Review- We are going to be purchasing a new curriculum.  We have narrowed our selection down to three publishers. We will have samples available in the office until the end of the month if you are interested in reviewing them and providing feedback. 

CMAS (Colorado Measure of Academic Success) - Students in 3rd- 6th grade take these tests every year.  The timeframe for testing this year is April 7th - 24th.  Please refrain from taking students out during testing.  

Chess Club - Calling all 3rd-6th graders. Join the chess club and become a master of strategy! You'll have fun learning new moves, challenging friends, and solving tricky puzzles. Whether you're a beginner or already know the basics, you'll improve your skills while making new friends! We will meet on the following Mondays:

  • February - 3, 10, 24

  • March 3, 10, 31

  • April 7, 14

  • Register HERE.

YOUth TUBEr - Do you have a future YouTuber in your household? In this class, your kids will gain the skill set, knowledge and confidence to celebrate their individuality through learning the basics of YouTube content creation! Using a STEAM-based learning approach, your kids will learn how to produce their own channel trailer, graphics and episodes! We offer guidance and support for YouTube channel set-up, but we don't set-up channels for your kids during this class. We leave it up to you as the parents to create their channel and post videos privately or publicly. Safety is our top priority! Your kids must learn about internet safety and sign our internet safety pledge. Refer to the attachment for more information, sign up HERE and enjoy some fun videos from past students! Goodgamers, Let'z Shine


  • Friday, January 31 - Jersey Day - wear the jersey of your favorite team

  • Wednesday, February 5 - Late Start -  school begins at 10:00 a.m.

  • Wednesday, February 5 - SAC meeting at 5:30pm in Conservatory and PTO meeting at 6:30 p.m. 

  • Thursday, February 13 - No school - Professional Development Day

  • Friday, February 14 - No school

  • Monday, February 17 - Presidents’ Day - No school

PTO News

Interested in Serving PTO? Informational / Q & A Sessions Scheduled - Have you wanted to do more for your child's school? Here's your chance - PTO is seeking volunteers to serve in Board and Committee Lead positions for the 2025-26 School Year. We know you likely have questions, or just want more information. We'd love to share! On Tuesday, January 28 at 6:30 PM or Wednesday, January 29 at 8:15 AM, the JA PTO will hold informational sessions to share the details of serving our school through the PTO. For decades, researchers have point­ed to one key student suc­cess fac­tor that tran­scends near­ly all oth­ers, such as socioe­co­nom­ic sta­tus, stu­dent back­ground or the kind of school a stu­dent attends: parental involve­ment. JA PTO is your vehicle to parental involvement at Jefferson Academy Elementary! 

Order Your Valentine's Grams Today!  - Support the Class of 2032 with their Outdoor Lab fundraising! Send a Gram to your kids, their friends, or their teachers. There are lots of really great items to choose from, including World's Finest Chocolate bars, sensory toys, building blocks, stuffies, liquid bubbler pens, and more! Purchase yours today, as some item quantities may be limited!  Grams will be delivered to classrooms on Feb 12th during JA Valentine's Day parties!  

Coming Up PTO Events

  • Wednesday, February 5 - PTO General Membership Meeting - 6:30 PM - School Commons

  • Friday, February 21 - Family Movie Night & WatchJAGS Second Semester Kick-Off Pizza Party - More details for this combined event coming soon!

  • Thursday & Friday, March 6 & 7 - Scholastic Book Fair

  • Friday, March 28, - Family Movie Night

  • Friday, April 11 - Timehop - Spring All-School Social Event - Mark your Calendar and Save the Date for a fun night with your JA Friends!